I guess in our case today....it is maybe 5 hours not 5 minutes.
Let me explain.......
Today in Calgary we had a very hot hot day. I think the high was to be 18 and I think we reached 23. I knew a cold weather system was coming at some point....but still being a newbee in Calgary I dress the kids in winter coats, boots hats and mitts.
I drop them at the babysitters while I go to work and am apologizing to the babysitter that I may have gotten it wrong and dressed them inappropriately for the weather today.
She was taking them to two play parks today.....and me as a newbee mom still here in Calgary am thinking maybe I need to re-think what they take with them and bring along two sets of clothes and shoes. My poor children. Everyone will make fun of them on the playground......winter boots what was that mother thinking!!!!!!
I drove home with the kids apologizing for my bad call, hoping they still had fun and could climb all the equipment in their winter boots in 23 degree weather.
Well lo and behold.....5 hours later and we are in a friggin snow storm.....Yes I would not lie. The snow is flying like I have never seen it. I would almost have to say I would expect that there may be snow plows out tomorrow plowing our streets so we can all drive somewhere. Oops I forgot....I do not live in Kitchener any more......Calgary does not really have many snow plows. They just wait until it turns 23 tomorrow (or hope that that will happen.)
I am still adjusting to our life in the west.
Jen and Glenn if you are reading this....I envy you that you have the ocean right across from your apartment......enjoy....this is the reality back home.