Friday, January 26, 2007

Back to Winter once again of the great parts of living in Calgary are the Chinooks. We just had one for the past two days. Great temps.....12 the first day and then yesterday it got up to around 14....and sunny to boot. Can't wait until summer!!!! You would think that on such great days that I would be out with the kids....running around in our backyard...playing on the playset....just soaking up the sun.
(well if Matthew had gone down for a nap yesterday afternoon I was going to lounge out on our sunny such luck) Two things wrong with this notion of going out to the backyard. When it gets warm, everything melts. The melting snow does not soak into the ground here like back you have a yucky mess. We have this clay dirt....if it rained alot here we would be in big trouble with flooding. The muck plus all the dog poop that has collected over the past week....not a really nice combination. Best to get the poop up once it freezes. First thing in the morning is usually best. I'm not the best one to keep a daily eye on it. guilt sunk in today that I did not get these munchkins out. Solutions.....the play gym close to Caitlyn's preschool. I think I ran them...bounced them and climbed them to the point of exaustion. They are so hungry they are actually eating their lunches quietly while I type this blog. Now.....will Matthew nap today?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Monsters in the Bedroom

Well it is one of those nights that I can't get back to sleep. A Chinook is coming in and woke me up but nobody else. THANK GOD!!!!!! Every time the wind blows in the kids wake up so is all you can do to get them settled back in. They think that "monsters" have invaded their rooms. It doesn't help that the train seems to be coming through our backyard at about the same time.
I finally figured out Matthew's fear of "Monsters in his closet"
Scott usually wakes up before all of us. He takes a shower like most men folk at that time of the morning. Well......I happened to spend the latter part of last night sleeping in Matthew"s bedroom
(the winds were terrible last night too).....If anyone wants to know what I am talking about.....It sounds like something is trying to blow your house down. I am a SOUND literally think you will wake up and find part of your house a few blocks away.
Anyways.....back to "monsters in the closet". I was sleeping in bed with Matthew (I know the absolute WORST thing a mother can do....spoil your child forever.....
I awoke to this very scary noise at about 7am. It started out quietly.....and then the sound of water almost coming through the wonder my son has been afraid first thing in the morning. The sound of that shower coming through his wonder he thinks the monsters live there. I have now a new realization of the way a 2 year old must conceive things. If I heard that noise and did not know what it is pitch black in your could only be one thing.....