We have a new addition to our family and his name is Max. He is a very cute 3 1/2 month old Bichon Frise/Shih Tzu cross. He has settled in quite well. Sadie did not know what to make of him for the first week. Now they are good buddies. Great to see because I did have some worries. I must say that after having two kids, training a puppy is work but not as bad as I had envisioned. The worst part?.....
You take him outside to do his business and he thinks it is play time. You can spend up to 1/2 hour out there first thing in the morning. He just doesn't get it. The minute you bring him inside he poops and pees. I just don't get it. I really thought MABYE he would see Sadie doing her thing out there and catch on...but NOOOOOO.
This past week I've had a little better luck. Partly due to the fact that I just leave both dogs outside for most of the day. I've also learned that when Max disappears.....he is usually up to no good. Just like a kid I tell you!!!!
We love him lots. Sadie has a new best friend and the kids just love him. Hey they got to name him. Caitlyn picked the name Max from the kids cartoon "Max and Ruby".
We start puppy training class in another week.